Saturday, January 10, 2009

kid's lingo (otherwise known as funny things kids say)

I need to keep a record of some of the funny things my kids say and do, so we'll start with a thought about marriage. Jamison said that he thought Gemma wanted to marry him. This is the second time he has said this, and finally told us why he thought so. "Because whenever I try to kiss her she turns her face towards me so I'll kiss her lips". I thought that was great that he is of the opinion that you don't kiss on the lips until after you're married. Guess he was listening to me, at least once! Hopefully this is a trend that will continue (listening to his mother, not the kissing).

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just one more post today. Yesterday I was addicted to facebook, today it may be blogging (although it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to post something, and this is my third time to do it. You'd think I would have learned how to the first 2 times).

So since we have the lame name of Louviere's Lingo, I thought I'd better back it up with some of our Lingo we use around the house, compliments of Ava, who will start speech therapy next week.

Yaya - Hala
- Jamison (she really doesn't say anything for his name)
boo pop - blue Popsicle
aaaa - little mermaid
lella - cinderella
ruff ruff - dog
nana - yellow
hohoho wawa bap - "Santa is bringing me a doll that can take a bath"
Ava playing in an early snow

Jamison at the tidal pools.
We spent a week in Seaside, Oregon last summer with Anthony's family

Hala and her new sister Gemma


So I got an email from my good (yet rarely seen) friend Star AKA Melanie. Besides wondering why she is now Star instead of Queen, possibly so that I can keep Queen for myself, I followed her email into the world of blogging. I thought I was just viewing hers but ended up with my own. The peer pressure has been building for a while, so it didn't come as a surprise, but given the suddenness of it, I couldn't think of any creative blog names or profile information. So you're just going to have to put up with what Ava and I thought of. And I already have a complaint, where is the spell check so I don't look like an idiot? Ah, there it is. Didn't even have any misspellings...

Time will tell if this is something that I will keep up with, or add to my ever-growing list of things I just don't do. And whether it is even worth your time to read.